World Animal Day

 World Animal Day is observed on 4th oct every year it is a world initiative for the welfare of animals worldwide . It is very very important for the world to understand the importance of the animals . Animals are very important for ecosystem . But Humans are getting cruel towards animals just for their own need .

Humans need of furniture and other substance and they are cutting trees and forests this clearing of forest is called deforestation . Due to deforestation animals are not able to live in there original habitats and these animals are getting endangered  . Tigers , Asiatic Loins are on the Line of getting endangered . 

This is our duty to keep these such animals safe and secure for our next generation . These animals are 
our pride and our cultural symbol .
Today many animals are being killed for different purposes . Elephants for tusk , Loins for nails and teeths , Tiger for skin etc . Every year many cases like these are increasing and we need to stop these innocent animals .


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